What a month this has been. I meant to post the 30 days of thanks but time got the best of me so I thought I would just take this opportunity to list so many of the things I am thankful for this holiday season. When you read this, I hope you are blessed.
Things I am thankful for today:
1. My amazing husband, Ray, that I just celebrated 11 years of marriage with on November 22nd. He is my rock, my anchor, and my source of laughter on most days. We have been farmers, golfers, motorcyclists, campers, RVers, boaters, and travelers. We have laughed, cried, and been happy together. What a great blessing to my life.
2. My wonderful family but especially my sweet Mother, adorable son and baby sister. We are all crazy, but we stick together, stick our noses in each others business and stick around through thick and thin. No matter what, we can always count on each other.
3. My wonderful partner, Mike, and sidekick, Kim along with the great folks at Leasor Crass. That adventure started three and half years ago and God has blessed our business venture beyond belief.
4. My dear friends both old and new. The girls, the neighbors, those who are like family. They are my support system through this crazy thing called life.
5. Our health is a blessing. Through a heart attack, stress, a shoulder replacement, knee replacement, chronic illness, our health is not perfect but we are blessed.
6. Our coffers are full. We live in a home of comfort with light, warmth, food, clothing, and entertainment. Stuff means less and less and learning that less is more has been an amazing blessing for me this year.
7. I am thankful for answered prayers of resolved issues, petitions for healing, requests for specific needs and God's abundance of blessings.
On this day before the official day of Thanksgiving, I urge you to stop and thank God for all that He has done for you. Be blessed my friends.
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