Thursday, November 5, 2015

10 Things That Changed the Day My Daddy Died

10.  I worry about my Mother dying as she is the last link to she and my Daddy as my parents. I'm really just one parent away from being an orphan.

9.  Honor your father and mother.  There will come a day when you don’t “have” to make the drive to your Daddy’s house for Father’s Day.

8.  Enjoy every holiday with your Mother, because one day you won’t have her to make memories with on holidays.

7.  Pictures keep memories alive.  Take as many pics as you can of your parents.  It is a vivid reminder of the great times you shared as a family after they are gone.

6.  Don’t complain about your parents in front of me.  I would give anything to have one more conversation, dinner, or drive with my Daddy.

5.  Losing a parent is like joining a class of people that you don’t want to belong.  How do you “opt out” of the “I lost my Daddy Club”.

4.  You can’t explain it to people who still have their parents.  When you lose your Daddy, you have a hole in your heart that can never be filled.

3.  Life goes on – we call it “The new normal”.  It's far from normal.

2.  Holidays are never the same.  You can be determined not to mourn but it is still never the same.

1.  You may rock along for months, and then one day you just lose it all over again because you realize that your Daddy is just not coming back.

I miss you every day.

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Having been raised with manners and class by a real Southern Belle (which by the way has nothing to do with money), I spend my time trying to make my company always feel welcome and comfortable in my home and at social gatherings I often attend!!!!!!!!