Monday, February 3, 2014


Boy am I a lucky girl.  I've got girlfriends that are always there for you.  We've been through marriages, divorces, babies, grand-babies, death, disease, weight-loss, weight-gain, and everything in between.  I can't remember a time in my life that these girls were not a part of something going on in my world.  I've traveled with them, cried with them, laughed with them, lived with them, rejoiced with them and hurt with them over my lifetime.

They have wiped my tears, been my sounding board, made me laugh out loud til my sides hurt, hugged me close, snugged with me, scolded me, propped me up when I was ready to fall, and loved me in spite of myself.  What a blessing to have friends who remain in your life from childhood until forever!

Each one of us is different.  Each one of us brings something different to the group.  Each one of us has her faults and her talents.  But one thing we all have is a deep abiding sense of loyalty for our ability to stick together though thick and thin.  It's easy to rally around when times are tough, but the wonderful part of these friends is their ability to truly celebrate in the joys, accomplishments, and good things that have come to each us over time.

Blessed.  That is all!!!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


What a month this has been!!!!  Just yesterday I was eating black eyed peas and cornbread, and today is ground hog day.  As I sit by the fire this cold afternoon and wonder where time has gone, I consider many things that have happened since my last blog.

I've seen death in the life of Ms. Shirley Brooks, a talented pianist and all around wonderful lady.  I know she is missed by her family, but also by her church family where she was part of the music team for 40+ years.

I've seen life as we celebrated at sweet Erin's baby shower.  My cousin, Brian, and his wife, Ashley, have doubled their joy with Rhett and Malia.  I've enjoyed Donna's pictures of Knox and watching him grow and change this first year.  I've watched Ellen's daughter, Elizabeth, and my friend, Ashley, as they both prepare for a second child in the spring.  2014 will bring about new and exciting life to our friends and families.

I've seen change in things from the weather to my daily walk with God.  One day it is 70 and then next day it is snowing.  But as they say in Texas, if you don't like the weather, it will change.  I've become convicted to really make a difference in my daily walk with Christ and spend more time in His Word.  I am a firm believer that the more time you spend reading your bible and praying that God will develop a true hunger in you for His Word.

I've seen old friends and new friends.  I've enjoyed spending time with new friends whether over an intimate dinner or just a glass of wine.  It's the connection and bonding of friends that are daily blessings to us.  I always in enjoy my Cleburne friends and those who live nearby that I can celebrate with daily the ups and downs that we experience in life.  I've had the opportunity to share an amazing weekend with girlfriends from childhood (one from the cradle).  It's like we still can make each other laugh over just the smallest of things.  We enjoy so many memories and love making new ones.

I've seen miracles.  Most of the miracles I've seen have to do with the life and death situations situations that friends have faced recently.  But they are here, alive and well with a promise of a future of happiness.

Finally, I've seen rodeo!  Boy have I seen rodeo.  From the Ranch Rodeo that kicked off the stock show to the Fort Worth Shootout and Bulls Night Out, I've see the legendary Fort Worth Rodeo several nights.  With only a week left to go, the rodeo will be over for another year.

I hope that I can spend more time in February blogging about things that cross my mind.  I hope you enjoy the musings of this simple country girl!

About Me

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Having been raised with manners and class by a real Southern Belle (which by the way has nothing to do with money), I spend my time trying to make my company always feel welcome and comfortable in my home and at social gatherings I often attend!!!!!!!!