Sunday, April 29, 2012


I have really do love trees.  Part of the reason we bought the house we live in today is that there are an abundance of beautiful palm trees around the pool.  The other reason are the three gorgeous magnolia trees.  I have always loved magnolia trees.  I have tried to grow them in every house I have ever lived in since I have been on my own.  I have never been successful. 

When we moved into this house, I didn't realize the sprinkler system was not turned on to water the trees. Daddy kept telling me that I would lose those big magnolia's if I did not water them.  I kept assuring him it was just summer and it was hot but I had them on a sprinkler system.  Fortunately, I figured it out and did not lose them and today they are just full of blooms.  I smile every time I see those three trees loaded with Magnolia's as I am reminded of the silly argument with my Daddy about watering those trees.

See I never figured Daddy for much of tree man because he loved to trim trees.  It was always a joke at our house growing up because when Daddy got his chain saw out, the trees in the year always looked like  they had been to barbershop.  He would rip up Mother's favorite weeping willow tree until it just stood straight up in the air with very little "weeping willows" left.  She would fuss at him every year for doing it and he would kill a few from time to time.  He would always promise he would not do it again.  And then next year rolled around.

Yesterday I walked over to my dear neighbor's, The Taylor's.  Patty is a master gardener and selected some delightful plants to plant in the shade of her trees in her back yard.  To her horror she walked out to find that Doc had "trimmed" the trees.  All her hard work will be in vain shortly as those plants will just blister in the hot sun.  I had to chuckle to myself as I was reminded of how my Daddy used to love to trim the trees.  Maybe its a generational thing, but it sure brought back some fond memories of Daddy and his obsession for tree trimming!

Friday, April 27, 2012


My Grannie Lester was a delightful woman.  I spent many hours at her house sitting on her porch.  On the north side of the porch, Grannie had the most beautiful hydrangea bushes.  They were always plentiful with big bluish purple blooms.  The memories of these beautiful flowers will forever be embedded in my memory.

When we bought our house in Cleburne, I was so excited that I had this amazing hydrangea bush.  We have lived there for four years now and never had a bloom - until this year.  I actually have blooms on the plant this year.  I am hopeful that they will be big and purple but I'll take the pink ones too.  I am told it has to do with the acidity of the soil.  That may be a project for next year, but for this year, I am just so excited to have blooms on my hydrangea.

I'll post more pics as soon as it blooms.  Isn't it amazing  how the little things in life can make us so very happy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My "Pot" Garden

My Daddy always had a garden.  My grandparents always had a garden as did my aunts and uncles.  As my Daddy got older, he would inquire if we were coming home to help "shell" peas, "shuck" corn, "dig" potatoes, or "cut" okra.  I always seemed to find an excuse to be working, out of town or just not up to the trip home for those events.

As I look back I now realize how much I truly enjoyed the bounty from these gardens my family grew each year.  Last year when Daddy died in June, he and his friend, Joe, had planted five (5) acres of purple hull peas.  Daddy was not really able to get out and work the garden and Joe was so kind to help him.  But Daddy loved peppers, tomatoes, and other things that grew in the garden.  Since he was not able to walk very far, he gathered up some tacky tubs, huge pots, and even hung some upside down strawberries (as seen on TV - and given to him for his birthday by Rhett) in a corner in the back yard.  It was really a sight to behold and he kept telling Mother not to worry that his "Pot Garden" would yield some of the best vegetables ever and they would be right out the back door.

We as you can imagine, he died in early June leaving Mama with that "tacky" Pot Garden to tend, water, and harvest.  By the way, it was nearly impossible to mow around so it was by no means manicured.  And of course, he left Joe with that five acres of peas to pick and leaving Mama to help shell peas all summer long.  We have all had a few words to say about that as we each had to come in pretty often to help wind up Daddy's affairs and always got roped into pea shelling.

Well I miss my Daddy's garden almost as much as I miss him.  So this year, I have planted my own little "Pot Garden".  I have two tomato plants, green and red bell pepper, banana pepper, onions and cucumbers.  I hope he is smiling up there in heaven watching me "tend" my little garden.  I plan to enjoy the bounty this year in hopes he has passed on his green thumb to me.

And by the way---Joe only planted two acres of peas this year!  I do hope he will share.  I don't think I would even mind shelling a few - just to remember the good ole days!

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Having been raised with manners and class by a real Southern Belle (which by the way has nothing to do with money), I spend my time trying to make my company always feel welcome and comfortable in my home and at social gatherings I often attend!!!!!!!!